Where is the happiness?
“Happiness is not THERE. Happiness is HERE and NOW.” – Robert Goreta
The way to happiness starts on your own doorstep, with what you have and what you are.
Just another very inspirational though from Pali Jae Lee’s book Ho’opono: “During ancient times, the only “religion” was one of family and the oneness with all things. The people were in tune with nature, plants, trees, animals, the ‘aina, and each other. They respected all things and took care of all things. All was pono….
Some people swing by the word “stress” with their hand and think, oh, I know how to deal with that or I can neutralize stress. Others say, that life without stress would be less interesting, and stress is their way of life. But the majority of people doesn’t even know, or simply forgets, that stress…
The life we are living is a string of lessons, teachings, wisdoms, realizations, rises and falls. We feel that the pulse of life is like the death train in an amusement park. First, a long, slow climb, than a dizzying decline, and when we are at the lowest point, slowly up again, to the next…
When I was still working on my book called Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way, I offered it to more than 30 publishers, but no one wanted to publish it. At that point I could easily give up and say to myself that my book was not meant to see the light, I…
“Life is going to »fuck« you for so long, until you realize, that you are the MAIN ADMINISTRATOR in the operating system MY LIFE.” – Robert Goreta Sometimes you just need to “reset” your operating system and delete all old programs.
At the beginning of 2018 I decided to share with you a list of my favorite movies for the heart and soul, which have a message and inspire us. Personally I like movies, who force us literally into thinking. Below you can see a list of my favorite 12 movies. The order is random and…