
Let’s make space for the new things

When there’s a certain void in the universe (vacuum), the universe strives to fill that void, because it dislikes the void. We often overlook the direct connection between our overly stuffed living spaces and our financial situation. We hold tight to the things in our closets and our drawers, which we haven’t used for many years. According to the good old habit, we save them for hard times, because we often think – after seven years everything comes in handy.

If our life in the area of finances and prosperity does not untwine in the way we want, then it might be time to ventilate our house or our apartment and get rid of all redundant junk. Clothes and shoes that we have not used for two years or more do not serve us anymore. Let’s get rid of them – donate them, sell them, or just throw them in the garbage. Why hold on to the old and outdated things that we do not use any more?

One of the important laws of abundance says that we have to get rid of old things if we want to get new ones. When we get rid of old, dirty, unused and superfluous things, we make the vacuum, which the universe tries to fill with new things.

Do you want new shoes or a new dress? Give, donate or get rid of the old clothes and shoes and make space for the new. Do you want more love in your life and more hugs? Give them first and you’ll receive more – hugs as well as love.

We shall not cling to the things we own – let’s pass the energy forward to other people. We can not owe anything in our lives – we get everything to be used just for a certain amount of time – the time of our life. The more free flow of energy we make and the more we receive with one hand and give with the other – the more and more abundance is coming into our life.

When we settle our living environment (house, apartment), we settle our life, thoughts and health. Clearing the old junk has a great number of positive consequences, but the most important is that this way we symbolically show to the universe that we have space for new things, new opportunities and new ideas.

Let your assignment be clearing up your work table and then start with the drawers and closets in your office. When you organize your working environment, take the time during the weekend and clean up your apartment or your house. After cleaning all the superfluous junk, you shall feel fresh, full of energy and new excellent opportunities shall start to knock on your door.

An opportunity for a more abundant life is waiting in front of our door. But often there are so many things behind that door that the door can not be fully opened to let the abundance in.

I wish you a lot of abundance, pleasure and joy!

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