Be an eagle. Be free.
”Stop being a prisoner of your own story. Open your mighty wings. Fly. Be an eagle. Be free.” – Robert Goreta
Open your mighty wings and fly towards your dreams!
Today we will talk about creativity. Many years ago the known American novelist Sinclair Lewis has had a lecture at the university. The room was completely full of enthusiastic students, who were with open eyes and ears waiting for what the great writer has to say. At the beginning of the lecture he took off his…
Whenever you are thinking about something very intensively, the Universe is going to give you an answer at just the right moment. It could be in the form of intuition or even meeting with a person with whom you should meet, because that person could know the answers to the questions you might have. You…
Recently, especially on Facebook, I’ve noticed an interesting trend – the public expression of gratitude. It’s a process, where a specific person must express for certain days her gratitude and she or he calls also her/his Facebook friends to do it. Otherwise, all well and good, but… Gratitude are not just words, gratitude is a…
When I was still working on my book called Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way, I offered it to more than 30 publishers, but no one wanted to publish it. At that point I could easily give up and say to myself that my book was not meant to see the light, I…
“Happiness is not THERE. Happiness is HERE and NOW.” – Robert Goreta The way to happiness starts on your own doorstep, with what you have and what you are.
Movie Dance With Me is absolutely a movie with corazón. In the film you can see some great dance performance, full of emotions, passion and love. However, the winner is the dance club scene, which you can see in the video below.