
Life as setting likes

“The modern life has become just another gazing in the screen and setting likes.” – Robert Goreta Slovenian singer Andrej Šifrer already knew. For our friends we must always take time. P. S. Do something good today. Go to the nature or with your best friend for a drink.


When all was pono

Just another very inspirational though from Pali Jae Lee’s book Ho’opono: “During ancient times, the only “religion” was one of family and the oneness with all things. The people were in tune with nature, plants, trees, animals, the ‘aina, and each other. They respected all things and took care of all things. All was pono….


Invocation of the dawn

I share with you this very beautiful poem, from Sanskrit. INVOCATION OF THE DAWN – by Kalidasa: Look To This Day For It Is Life, The Very Life Of Life. In Its brief course lie all the Verities and Realities Of Your Existence; The Bliss Of Growth; The Glory Of Action; The Splendour Of Beauty;…


Do it now!

Day after day I can hear a lot of people saying the same thing: »I don’t have time!«. All the people in the world, whether we are successful businessmen, presidents of the countries, workers, retired people, sportsmen, we all have exactly 1.140 minutes per day. It depends only on us whether and how we are…


How to enjoy in life?

The life we are living is a string of lessons, teachings, wisdoms, realizations, rises and falls. We feel that the pulse of life is like the death train in an amusement park. First, a long, slow climb, than a dizzying decline, and when we are at the lowest point, slowly up again, to the next…